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Why you shouldn't take 1Hive too seriously

Last updated Jul 31, 2023

I shouldn’t have to say this, but 1Hive is supposed to be fun! It is a place to meet people who are excited about the potential of technological progress to hang out, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and enjoy each others company.

The community is organized around a highly experimental cryptocurrency called Honey but you probably shouldn’t buy it unless you actually want to use it. Definitely don’t hold a significant portion of your wealth in Honey. We might joke about Honey going to the moon, but its just as likely to go to zero.

1Hive doesn’t have a core team, it is sufficiently decentralized which basically means that you can’t count on anyone except yourself to do anything.

This is absolutely not to say that you shouldn’t believe in 1Hive or want to help it succeed. You totally should! That’s why we are here, and why we continue to contribute our time to the community.

Just be sure to keep a healthy perspective and remember to have fun and try not to get wrecked too badly.